Halloween 2015 (Part 1 of 2) in Sheridan, Wyoming

by J. R. Mathison

November 2, 2015

'Home Page'

'Part Two'

If I have spelled anyone's name wrong,
or if you have a better caption,
or if you want to add a photo or two,
E-Mail to me at the address at the end.

Saturday night October 31
Rails Brews and Cues
Makayla D.

Saturday night October 31
Rails Brews and Cues
Friend and Amanda

Saturday night October 31
Rails Brews and Cues

Saturday night October 31
Rails Brews and Cues
Bartender Brenna

Saturday night October 31
Rails Brews and Cues
Friend and Desiree

Saturday night October 31
Rails Brews and Cues

Saturday night October 31
Rails Brews and Cues

Saturday night October 31
Rails Brews and Cues
Tessie and Friend

Saturday night October 31
Rails Brews and Cues
Kaylla and Friend

Saturday night October 31
Rails Brews and Cues
Rebecca and Lindsey

Saturday night October 31
Rails Brews and Cues
Rebecca and Drew

Saturday night October 31
The Mint Bar
Bartender Sophie

Saturday night October 31
The Mint Bar

Saturday night October 31
The Mint Bar
Friend and Laurie

Saturday night October 31
The Beaver Creek Saloon
Second from left: Gunner; second from right: Anna
Others unknown

Saturday night November 1
The Beaver Creek Saloon
Annie and Jessica

Saturday night November 1
The Beaver Creek Saloon
Bartender Fallon

Saturday night November 1
The Beaver Creek Saloon
Rebecca Jean

Saturday night November 1
The Beaver Creek Saloon
Rebecca Jean

Riding her hi-tech witches' broom - complete with handle bars, horn, speedometer (marked up to 200 mph), and flashing red tail light.

Saturday night November 1
The Beaver Creek Saloon
Anna at left, Meghan at right, and Kenny down in front. Others unknown.

Saturday night November 1
The Beaver Creek Saloon
ID checker Jessie

Saturday night November 1
The Country Kitchen

Saturday night November 1
Suttons Tavern
Bartender Rosalind

'Home Page'

'Part Two'

Comments to: mathison (aatt) sdf-eu.org


Last modification 2015-12-5