If I have spelled anyone's name wrong,
or if you have a better caption,
or if you want to add a photo or two,
E-Mail to me at the address at the end.
Saturday night October 28
Rails Brews and Cues
The Bartending Crew
Mandy, Tina, Sandy, and Rebecca Jean
Saturday night October 28
Rails Brews and Cues
Bartender Mandy once again
Saturday night October 28
Rails Brews and Cues
Bartender Tina once again
Saturday night October 28
Rails Brews and Cues
Elaina and Mike
The lights behind her are on her angel wings - part of her costume.
Saturday night October 28
Rails Brews and Cues
Cassie C.
Saturday night October 28
Rails Brews and Cues
Saturday night October 28
Rails Brews and Cues
Bartender Rebecca Jean once again
Saturday night October 28
Rails Brews and Cues
Saturday night October 28
Rails Brews and Cues
Saturday night October 28
Rainbow Bar
Bartender Stephanie
Saturday night October 28
Rainbow Bar
Jake and Stormy
Saturday night October 28
The Mint Bar
Bartender Katelyn Marie S.
Saturday night October 28
The Beaver Creek Saloon
Emma S. on left, others unknown
Saturday night October 28
The Beaver Creek Saloon
Emma S. front and center, others unknown
Saturday night October 28
The Beaver Creek Saloon
'Bro' and Emma S.
Saturday night October 28
The Beaver Creek Saloon
Friend and Kayla
Saturday night October 28
The Beaver Creek Saloon
Lisa O. on right, others unknown
Saturday night October 28
Sutton's Tavern
Bartender Brenna C.
Saturday night October 28
Sutton's Tavern
Felicia Ann M.
Saturday night October 28
My Buddy's Place
Bartender Ian
Saturday night October 28
Rails Brews and Cues
Stephanie F.
Last modification 2017-11-2