Halloween 2012 (Part 1 of 3) in Sheridan, Wyoming

by J. R. Mathison

November 1, 2012

'Home Page'

'Part Two'

'Part Three'

If I have spelled anyone's name wrong,
or if you have a better caption,
or if you want to add a photo or two,
E-Mail to me at the address at the end.

Saturday Night October 27
Rails Bar
Ashley Fern T.

Saturday Night October 27
Rails Bar

Saturday Night October 27
Rails Bar
Jessica C. and Candice F.

Saturday Night October 27
Rails Bar
Tiffany D.

Saturday Night October 27
Rails Bar

Saturday Night October 27
Rainbow Bar
Deena S.

Saturday Night October 27
American Legion
Bartender Tawnie

Saturday Night October 27
American Legion
Bartender Laurie

Saturday Night October 27
American Legion
Waitress Meghan

Saturday Night October 27
Beaver Creek Saloon
Bartender Fallon B.

Saturday Night October 27
Beaver Creek Saloon
Rose and Steve
Later won first prize in the costume contest

Saturday Night October 27
Beaver Creek Saloon
Bartender Fallon and Wes

Saturday Night October 27
Beaver Creek Saloon
Misti and Husband

Saturday Night October 27
Beaver Creek Saloon
Husband and Michelle

Saturday Night October 27
Willeys Bar
Anna P. and Meghan

Saturday Night October 27
Mint Bar
Bartender Jake (background) and Bartender Tammi Marie

'Home Page'

'Part Two'

'Part Three'

Comments to: mathison (aatt) sdf-eu.org


Last modification 2014-11-17