Halloween 2012 (Part 3 of 3) in Sheridan, Wyoming

by J. R. Mathison

November 1, 2012

'Home Page'

'Part One'

'Part Two'

If I have spelled anyone's name wrong,
or if you have a better caption,
or if you want to add a photo or two,
E-Mail to me at the address at the end.

Later Saturday Night October 27
Rails Bar
Once again

Later Saturday Night October 27
Rails Bar
Bartender Tina

Later Saturday Night October 27
Rails Bar
Bartender Jenady

Later Saturday Night October 27
Rails Bar
Security and Bar Back Curtiss (background)
and again Bartender Jenady

Later Saturday Night October 27
Rails Bar
Friend and Chelsie

Later Saturday Night October 27
Rails Bar
Bud and Chelsie

Later Saturday Night October 27
Rails Bar
Jessica C.
and her beautiful wings!

Later Saturday Night October 27
Rails Bar
Lisa O. and Friend

Later Saturday Night October 27
Rails Bar

Later Saturday Night October 27
Rails Bar
Bartender Jessie M.

Later Saturday Night October 27
The OK Corral
Tom and Bartender Tiffany D.

Later Saturday Night October 27
The OK Corral
Bud and Bartender Tiffany D.
Awww...It is so nice
to be loved!

After hours Saturday Night October 27
The Beaver Creek Saloon
Bartender Fallon and Bartender Charlie

After hours Saturday Night October 27
The Beaver Creek Saloon
Whitney K.

After hours Saturday Night October 27
The Beaver Creek Saloon
Bud and Whitney K.

'Home Page'

'Part One'

'Part Two'

Comments to: mathison (aatt) sdf-eu.org


Last modification 2012-11-1